Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday Minute

I'm playing along today with Ian at Daily Dose of Reality... the Monday Minute - 5 Questions.
Click below to play along and give your two cents. 

Monday Minute

1. What's wrong with fake breasts?
I wouldn't really say anything was "wrong" with them. But it's just not for me. Not because I have plenty already. I just don't go for cosmetic-type surgery for myself (and hubby concurs). I DO have areas that could use it... like that leftover baby belly that I have never quite gotten completely rid of, in spite of losing the weight in surrounding areas. I could use a tummy tuck. But it's not something I ever plan to do. I've reached that acceptance level with myself and besides,  who can afford it? :)

2. List your latest run-in with the Carnival of Idiocy.
Well... just yesterday, driving to my sister's to take my nephew home, I was driving down her country road and the 'main attraction' of this Carnival of Idiocy, was parked in the middle of the road. He was carrying on a conversation from his truck with someone at the house he was parked in front of. He pulled his truck over JUST enough for me to get by, but still taking most of his half out of the middle. And just as I get up next to his truck, he decides to open his truck door and get out. Luckily that small ditch was there for me to drive my right tires into to avoid the crash of his door into my car. This Carnival is over, take your show to the next town, please!

3. Name one thing you'd like to tell your 10-year-ago self.
I don't really have a major life issue that I'd like to address. I would have myself spend more time talking to my Granny and my Aunt Sandy. I lost them both in 2004. I wish I'd listened to  more stories and written them down.

4. What's your favorite word that is not in the dictionary?
I use a variety from time to time (numbskull is one). But I prefer the commonly defined ones, such as... stupid, idiot, jerk.

5. Why do fools fall in love?
Why not? Even fools want to be happy.

Don't forget to check out the ChunkyBling Jewelry Giveaway Post. You could win 2 free pieces of Jewelry!


  1. LOL @ even fools want to be happy.

  2. It's always having to do with driving, isn't it?

  3. Hello from Diana to Diana!

    Glad you popped over. Following now, too.
